•All Small Group Classes have 10 hours and Personal Training Sessions have a 24 hours cancellation window prior to the start of the scheduled session.

•Failure to cancel your reserved session prior to your appointment will result in the loss of that session. In the event it is an Unlimited Member, a $15 fee will be charged to your account.

Same Day Booking - Failure to attend, or cancel a session within 10 hours of the reserved session, and attend a later session in that same day, will result in a late fee and/or the use of another session from your package.

•The quickest way to cancel or reschedule will be through our scheduling app. Email or text does not count.

•Billing will occur immediately after class or on the same day of late cancel.

The purpose of the fee is to prevent members from missing classes, so that other members who potentially want to sign up can have the opportunity. Classes that are not full, does not exempt you from receiving a late cancel/no show fee.


All scheduled appointments have a 24-hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. Failure to successfully communicate a request to cancel, prior to a scheduled appointment will result in the loss of said appointment. If there are no sessions on account to deduct from, a drop-in rate will be charged. The quickest way to cancel/reschedule will be through our scheduling app or email