Using the Right Weight | Reps in Reserve (RIR)
Becka Reppin' Out Back Squats
Reps in Reserve (RIR) is a way that allows you to choose how much weight you can handle with good form, range of motion, and tempo. If you use weight that’s too light when you train, you’re probably missing the boat on what the intended goal is and not stimulate muscle growth. If you go too heavy you could potential injure yourself or not reach the prescribed reps. But, it’s okay if you pick the wrong weight. Like with all new things, there is a learning curve.
Using RIR simply allows you to dial in your weight as you progress in a set. It’s an auto-regulation technique that’ll help you manage your fatigue for the day and allow to get closer to the an appropriate weight selection to use.
A great way to use the RIR is to have your earlier sets be higher with your later sets being lower. For example, you have 4 sets of 8 reps. Sets 1 and 2 can be a 3-4 RIR as your body gets acclimated to the exercise. Then for sets 3 and 4 you can get closer to a 0-2 RIR by increasing the weight, so that you can get closer to “fatigue” by the end of the sets.
If this seems complicated, don’t worry we’ll keep you on track so that you don’t have to over think it. The goal is to make steady progress, get stronger, and get the results you’re after.
Time to train out of your comfort zones.